2024 Leap of Kindness Day

2024 is a Leap Year, and this means we all get one extra day on Thursday, February 29, 2024.
What will you do with your extra day? One idea – – use your extra day to do something kind for someone else and encourage everyone in your family, workplace, and community to do the same.
Leap of Kindness Day was invented by the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce in 2016 and was designed to inspire members and community to use their extra day that Leap Year to do something kind for someone else. The Ogunquit Chamber of Commerce is joining the mission! Check out a list of registered Chambers here: Google Maps
What will you do with your extra day? Some of our local Non-Profits would appreciate your kindness!
- Frannie Peabody Center - http://peabodycenter.org
Grocery store gift cards (Hannaford, Shaws, etc.) and gas gift cards for clients who are low income and struggling to buy food and access transportation (or donations to buy these items)
Volunteers for Southern Maine AIDS Walk on May 4 in Ogunquit
- Great Bay Services - https://www.greatbayservices.org/#/
- Our most immediate needs are support to reach our Annual Appeal goal of $75,000 by March, designated contributions to be able to increase staff wages and to be able to expand our programs interactions with their community through discounted or free passes, classes, tickets, or other services provided to our members by community organizations or businesses.
- Great Works Regional Land Trust - http://gwrlt.org
- Clean up at local preserves.
- Ogunquit Playhouse - http://ogunquitplayhouse.org
- Our Volunteer Program is the lifeblood of Ogunquit Playhouse. Like most performing arts organizations, we rely on our dedicated volunteers to succeed in all aspects of our work!
Positions currently open for applications…Parking attendants greet guests as they arrive at the Playhouse and clearly direct them to the proper parking locations (Northbound, Southbound, VIP, Handicap). Traffic must be kept moving in a consistent manner using good judgment. Attendants must be comfortable interacting with all guests and possess outstanding customer service skills.Ticket Scanners use handheld electronic devices to scan guest admissions by paper or on the guest’s smartphone. This validates tickets and tracks accurate attendance. These volunteers also act as problem solvers, directing guests to their designated seats.Pre-show, Ushers assist House Managers stuffing, placing, and distributing playbills; arranging chairs; and other tasks needed to open the house. Once open, ushers escort guests to their seats. After the show, ushers inspect seating areas for debris, lost items, and playbills to be recycled.Assisted Hearing volunteers will receive special training from House Managers on the operation of these devices, so as to instruct guests on their proper use. Once trained, they will be available pre-show, during intermission, and after the show to check and maintain device functionality, replace batteries, and troubleshoot any guest issues.If interested, please fill out the Volunteer and Emergency Contact Information below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuxYQLyvpL0ovr9D5qm1ppsoFzOnNT7byf-ejfSQaHsP5DBQ/viewform
- Our Volunteer Program is the lifeblood of Ogunquit Playhouse. Like most performing arts organizations, we rely on our dedicated volunteers to succeed in all aspects of our work!
- Rett's Roost - www.rettsroost.org
- Show up at Ogunquit Main Beach this Sunday, March 3 at 11am (registration starts at 10) to plunge into the ocean for a good cause (it's gonna be 50 degrees, so why not?).
- Long term needs include finding a "perfect" Southern ME location to hold our family retreats... and of course, much needed donations, especially from businesses and foundations, to keep our programs running!
Other local Non-Profits that could use your kindness!
- Alpha Omega - https://www.alphaomegaconnections.com/
- Barn Gallery - https://barngallery.org/
- Habitat for Humanity York County Restore - https://www.habitatyorkcounty.org/
- Healthy Rivers - https://www.healthyriversogunquit.org/
- Historical Society of Wells/OGT - https://www.wellsogunquithistory.org/
- Marginal Way Preservation Fund - https://www.marginalwayfund.org/
- Ogunquit Rotary - https://www.ogunquitmerotary.org/
- Ogunquit Baptist Church - https://www.ogunquitbaptistchurch.org/
- Ogunquit Heritage Museum - http://www.ogunquitheritagemuseum.com/
- Ogunquit Museum of American Arts - https://ogunquitmuseum.org/
- Ogunquit Memorial Library - https://ogunquitlibrary.com/
- Wells Reserve - https://www.wellsreserve.org/