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How to Use the Member Information Center

After You Log In - How to Use the Member Information Center

When you use your log-in credentials in the "Member Login", you will be sent to a private section of our website, known as the "Member Information Center" or "MIC". The MIC allows to to accomplish most of your membership tasks all in one place, whether you want to pay a bill, update your web listing, find a contact for a fellow member business or see how many times your event has been seen by the public. Click on the links below if you need information on how to navigate the most popular features in the MIC. Most are available in video and pdf formats. Ready to log in? Click here.

How To Pay Bills Online:

Learn how you can pay your open invoices online from within the MIC. Length ~2 minutes

How To Post a Special (AKA: Hot Deal)

Learn how you can access, create and manage your Specials and Member to Member Deals from within the MIC. Specials are only available to members who invest in the enhanced website package. Length ~5 minutes

How To Add a Job Posting

Learn how you can access, create and manage your Job Postings from within the MIC. Length ~4 minutes

How To Update Your Personal Profile

This video explains how to update your personal information from within the MIC. Length ~2 minutes

How To Update Your Company Profile

Learn to update all of your company information, including logos and contact details, from within the MIC. This information automatically updates your information on our website and is used for our Guidebook and Town & Marginal Way Map (as applicable). Length ~3 minutes

How To Manage and Use Events

Learn how to use, manage, submit, and register for events from within the MIC. The events you create will be seen on and are used to populate the "This Week in Ogunquit" flyer. Length ~7 minutes